Thursday, May 31, 2012

First Line

So I have recently decided that I am going to write a book. Here is my first line. Tell me what you think (Is it catchy, too cheesy, ect.)

You aren't pretty enough, you aren't good enough, he can do so much better than you. These are things that every girl tells herself especially when she is in a relationship, but, what do you do when these are the reason why your boyfriend broke up with you?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I hate you

So I couldn't think what to write for my second post this week. So what I decided to do is I took an old post and changed every "love" to "hate" just to see how it would turn out. This is what it ended up as.

I hate you
I hate the way you smile
I hate how protective you are
I hate the way I fit into your arms
I hate how you are always there for me
I hate the things you do to make me happy
I hate how you can always make me feel better
I hate the way you can always make me feel safe
I hate how you can make all of my stress go away
I hate the way you look at me with love in your eyes
I hate the face you make when you are about to kiss me
I hate the way you can make something bad into something good
I hate the butterflies I get in my stomach every time I am going to see you.
I hate you

It doesn't all make a whole lot of sense. But it makes me feel a little bit better about life.

The Real Me

My name is Christina Gocken. The real me is someone that takes a lot of time to get to know. I like to keep to myself unless I know the person really well. There are only a few people that actually know a lot about me, and even then they don't know everything. I like to keep the real my locked up inside of me.

I am someone who gets hurt easily but can smile through her tears
I am someone who takes things to heart to much but can still face the world
I am someone who will cry herself to sleep but wake up the next morning happy
I am someone who is in pain, but will still put others before herself
I am someone who will cry until her eyes hurt, but try to hide her tears

I am afraid of.....

Being cheated on. I know that sounds really dumb but it is true. I have had many past experience's that make it hard for me to trust guys. I am also afraid of spiders! I hate them! If I see even a small one I will make someone come kill it for me. Something else that I am afraid of is the dark. Being alone in the dark at my house freaks me out but yet I am a techie freak. How that works I have no idea!!! Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me. I am also afraid of people. I hate talking to people that I don't know. It freaks me out. That is why I have a hard time making friends. It scares me to form relationships with people that might not work out. I like to stick with my old friends.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Marlena Meets Death. What happens?

For those of you who are just tuning in, Marlena is the main character in the short story that I wrote. (If you want to read it contact me and I will make that possible. Warning it is sad though) In my creative writing class we do different journals to help us get to know our character better. And the prompt was: Your main character meets death. What happens? Here is what I wrote.

I new something was wrong with Casey. Especially when I saw the hooded figure pass through my vision. I hated that I saw him. Why could death just leave me alone so that I didn't have to worry about what was happening to others. Sometimes it was kinda nice though. Especially when it has something to do with Casey.

This isn't exactly what happens in the story but it is kinda experimenting with a gift.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Awesome Plan:)

Ok. So my favorite movie is Tangled. I love it so much! And in Tangled, Rapunzel is turning 18. The day before her birthday she says to Pascal "Tomorrow is a very big day Pascal! It's my birthday!"
Well my 18th birthday is in 13 days and it is on a Saturday. So the Friday before my birthday I am going to dress up as Rapunzel and carry around my Pascal stuffed animal and say "Tomorrow is a very big day Pascal! It's my birthday!" It is going to be great! And I am so excited!

My Top 3

I have done quite a few posts but my favorite ones right now would have to be:

  1. The Life That No One Knows
  2. My Heart
  3. I Love You